Community Development Council/Livable Memphis is a membership organization, made up of nonprofit community developers, advocates, individuals, community-based organizations, government entities, and anyone else who supports the revitalization of Memphis neighborhoods.
By becoming a member you not only support the work of our organization but also add your voice to others in advocating for better Memphis neighborhoods. There's strength in numbers.
Membership is for you whether you are:
- an interested citizen who has attended the Livable Memphis Pizza with Planners series (or one of our many other programs);
- a community development corporation who wants to meet peer organizations and tap into our capacity building programs for CDCs;
- another nonprofit, government entity, or business that supports neighborhood revitalization;
- or an advocate wanting to get more involved in issues like transportation (bike, pedestrian, transit), blight, and/or neighborhood redevelopment…
Become a member. Fill out the information below or Download our membership application and email it to [email protected].
For more information about membership for community development corporations, email[email protected].